Fix to longstanding flaw in sensor readings could lead to energy-saving building designs

An unexpected result at a conference led Princeton researchers to uncover a significant error in the method used for decades to measure radiant heating and cooling in buildings.

Food systems are fodder for curbing cities' environmental impacts

Focusing on urbanization as a key driver of environmental change in the 21st century, researchers at Princeton University have created a framework to understand and compare cities' food systems and their effects on climate change, water use and land use. The research will allow planners to estimate the impact of a city's food system and evaluate policy actions.

Method promises advances in 3D printing, manufacturing and biomedical applications

In a development offering great promise for additive manufacturing, Princeton University researchers have created a method to precisely create droplets using a jet of liquid. The technique allows manufacturers to quickly generate drops of material, finely control their size and locate them within a 3D space.

Why are big storms bringing so much more rain? Warming, yes, but also winds

For three hurricane seasons in a row, storms with record-breaking rainfall have caused catastrophic flooding in the southern United States. A new analysis by Princeton researchers explains why this trend is likely to continue with global warming: Both the higher moisture content of warmer air and storms' increasing wind speeds conspire to produce wetter storms.

Shrinking grains expand understanding of self-healing materials

Cracks in the desert floor appear random to the untrained eye, even beautifully so, but those patterns of dried clay turn out to be predictable-and useful in designing advanced materials.

The Livable City

As humanity becomes more urbanized, maintaining health and happiness in crowded environments becomes critical. Clean air, clean water, and efficient transit systems are essential parts of the solution.

The Sustainable City

The very structures of cities play an important role in urban environments, from influencing residents' energy needs to affecting local climates and ensuring resilience against natural hazards. Developing new structures and maintaining existing ones are important challenges.

The Moving City

Transportation into, out of, and within cities has been one of the key enablers of urban growth. As cities grow larger and more complex, ensuring that people, goods, and information flow smoothly will become all the more important.

The Built City

Structures are cities' building blocks, and as cities grow and change, the role of structures must change as well. In some cases, it means protecting and modifying existing buildings; in others, it means designing new structures to meet emerging needs.